Direct Air Capture: Scraping to Scale in 2024?
- The Department of Energy recently issued a Notice of Intent (NOI) for $1.8B of DAC Hubs funding. How is the DAC sector and stakeholders viewing this opportunity, and what feedback would you have for the Department of Energy as they work to finalize the funding opportunity?
- From a global perspective, what role does policy and the public sector have to play in driving DAC deployment and reducing costs across different markets
- What are the greatest barriers to deployment facing the DAC sector, and what are the pathways forward to addressing these challenges? Are these barriers more related to technology, financing, policy, or something else?
Confirmed Chair
Jason Hochman - Co-Founder & Executive Director, The DAC Coalition
Confirmed Speakers
Charlie Renzoni - Vice President Carbon Markets, Deep Sky
David Elenowitz - Founder & CEO, Zero Carbon Systems
Kajsa Hendrickson - Director of Policy, Carbon180