


Climate Research Fellow
Center for Law, Energy, & the Environment at UC Berkeley School of Law
United States

Project manager on the Department of Energy-funded Community Alliance for Direct Air Capture (CALDAC) project, which endeavors to undertake comprehensive technical, economic, social and governance feasibility assessments for establishing a DAC hub in the San Joaquin Valley that reflects and advances community goals and values while delivering meaningful community-defined benefits. Prior to this work, I designed and managed a carbon removal project to reforest former minelands in Central Appalachia as a fellow with Appalachian Voices.

My latest contributions

Supercritical, accend, Novocarbo - Fireside Chat
Kinjani, Octavia Carbon, Varaha, Africa Climate Ventures - Panel Discussion
BlueLayer, World Fund, neustark, South Pole - Fireside Chat
Carbon Containment Lab, Agreena, Redshaw Advisors Ltd, Tierra Foods Limited, Agreena - Panel Discussion
Sightline Climate, Bankers for Net Zero, Planet A Ventures, Siemens Energy Ventures - Panel Discussion