Project Developer



Manager of Technical Climate Solutions
Anew Climate

As a member of Anew Climate's Technical Climate Solutions origination team, we work with new project opportunities that are looking for support in the monetization of their carbon removal credits through our credit development and marketing services. Anew has built a network of 100+ buyers that trust the integrity and quality of our Environmental Attributes, this has allowed Anew to be responsible for 25% of all carbon credits issued in the U.S. Anew’s proven track record and leadership extends to all environmental commodity markets in North America, spanning carbon credits, emission credits, renewable natural gas (RNG), renewable energy credits (RECs) and low carbon-intensity products.

My latest contributions

Carbon Business Council, Frontier, DOE, JPMorgan Chase - Interactive Q&A
Nori, Landwerme, Agoro Carbon Alliance, UNDO, Lithos Carbon - Panel Discussion
Frontier, Isometric - Fireside Chat
DOE, Gold Standard, Sylvera, Drax - Fireside Chat
Breakthrough Energy, Elemental Excelerator, Autodesk, SOSV/HAX - Panel Discussion